
アジアの環境権威主義― 依存関係からみた環境政策と反転―
「初期」資源環境政策の形成過程――「後発の公共政策」としての始動―― 2021年,日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所,pp.75-96.

Compulsion to maintain: water and state power in Southeast Asia
Origins and Evolution of Environmental Policies
Edited by Tadayoshi Terao and Tsuruyo Funatsu, Senior Research Fellows, Interdisciplinary Studies Center, Institute of Developing Economies (IDE), JETRO, Japan, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.105-

The Domestic Infrastructure of Economic Cooperation
Engineering Asia:Technology, Colonial Development and the Cold War Order,
Edited by Hiromi Mizuno, Aaron S. Moore and John DiMoia, 2018, Bloomsbury Publishing, pp.43-58.


Internationalization from Within:140 years of Internationalization at the University of Tokyo
The "Global" and the "Local" in Early Modern and Modern East Asia,
Edited by Benjain A. Elman and Chao-Hui Jenny Liu. 2017, BRILL,pp.81-94.

(羽田正 編)

The Benefits of Unification Failure: Re-examining the Evolution of Economic Cooperation in Japan
Japan's Development Assistance Foreign Aid and the Post-2015 Agenda,
Hiroshi Kato, John Page and Yasutami Shimomura, eds. 2015, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.88-102.

『 「後発性」のポリティクス ―資源・環境政策の形成過程―』
(寺尾忠能 編)

Resource Policy and Domestic Origins of Foreign Aid (*)
Economic and Policy Lessons from Japan to Developing Countries,
Toshihisa Toyoda, Hiroshi Kan Sato and Jun Nishikawa, eds. 2011, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.77-97.

Social science and knowledge for sustainability (*)
Sustainability Science:A Multidisciplinary Approach,
Hiroshi Komiyama, Kazuhiko Takeuchi, Hideaki Shiroyama and Takashi Mino, eds. 2011, United Nations University Press, pp.327-335.

Civil society engagement in Japan (*)
Engaging civil society : Emerging trends in democratic governance,
Cheema, S.G. and V. Popovski, eds. 2010, United Nations University Press, pp.232-245.

Democratic Turn of Resource Governance in Japan:Prewar and Postwar Efforts for Integration in Resource Policy
Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies for Climate Change,
Sumi, A., K. Fukushi and A. Hiramatsu. eds. 2010, Springer, pp.309-316.

沖縄大学地域研究所叢書 第5巻 『地域の自立 シマの力 上巻』
(新崎盛暉,比嘉政夫,家中茂 編著)
2005年,コモンズ, pp.250-271.

From 'Natural Wealth' to Resources: Simplification of Nature in Asia
Nature and Human Communities,
T. Sasaki ed.
2004, Springer, Tokyo, pp.111-122.

Informational Basis of Policy Judgments: The case of the Royal Forest Department in Thailand. (*)
People and Forest: Policy and Local Reality in Southeast Asia, the Russian Far East, and Japan. (M. Inoue and H. Isozaki. eds.)
2003, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.169-185.

Karen and the Land in Between: Public and Private Enclosure of Forests in Thailand
Dawn Chatty and Marcus Colchester ed. 2002,Berghahn Books,New York, pp.277-295.