Jin SATO and Soyeun KIM eds.The Semantics of Development in AsiaExploring ‘Untranslatable’ Ideas Through Japan2024年6月 Springer Nature編著・共編著
Jin SatoJournal of International Development Studies, 31(3)Special Issue 1: “Untranslatable” Japanese Development Concepts Introduction to the Special Issue 12023年3月 The Japan Society for International Development 編著・共編著
Jin SATO ed.Governance of Natural ResourcesUncovering the Social Purpose of Materials in Nature.2013年7月 United Nations University Press編著・共編著
Jin SATO and Yasutami Shimomura, edsThe Rise of Asian DonorsJapan's Impact on the Evolution of Emerging Donors2012年9月 Routledge - GRIPS Development Forum Studies編著・共編著
Edited By Jin SatoTransboundary Resources and Environment in Mainland Southeast Asia2010年1月 Shoukadoh編著・共編著