©Lucile Meunier
左から佐藤雄太さん、Vania Putri Andriani (タリ)さん、Mei Mitsuiさん(東京大学公共政策大学院修士1年)、 Emily Julia Fursaさん(東京大学公共政策大学院修士1年)
From left to right: Yuta Sato, Vania Putri Andriani (Tari), Mei Mitsui and Emily Julia Fursa (1st year, Master of Public Policy/International Program, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo)

©Lucile Meunier
Q&A session with juries

Best Prize Award Ceremony
(English follows Japanese)
2024年2月22日から23日にかけてフランスのパリ政治学院(Sciences Po)で開催された2024 GPPN(Global Public Policy Network) Annual Conferenceにて、佐藤ゼミから修士1年生の佐藤雄太さん(国際協力学専攻)と、同じく修士1年生のVania Putri Andriani (タリ)さん(国際協力学専攻)が政策提案のコンペティションに参加し、第1位を受賞しました。
“Policy proposals to reduce the impact of climate change on vulnerable populations and territories”のテーマに対し、インドネシアのジャカルタにおける気候変動と地盤沈下による生活水問題を取り上げ、雨水を利用したコミュニティタイプの地下貯留槽を提案しました。GPPNは東京大学公共政策大学院を含む世界の8つの公共政策大学院によるパートナーシップです。コンペティションにはこれらの大学院から合計で31チーム、92名(東京大学公共政策大学院から3チーム、12名)の学生が参加し、各大学の教授陣と政策提案に関する議論を繰り広げました。写真はプレゼンテーションの様子と、授賞式での記念写真です。
English follows below.
Two graduate students from Jin Sato Laboratory, Yuta Sato and Vania Putri Andriani (Tari), won the best prize at GPPN (Global Public Policy Network) Annual Conference held on February 22-23, 2024 at Sciences Po in Paris, France. Both Yuta and Tari are first-year master's students in the department of International Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo (UTokyo).
The theme of the competition was "Public Policy Proposal to Reduce the Impact of Climate Change on Vulnerable Communities”. Yuta and Tari’s team, representing UTokyo, proposed “PAIR” a community-type underground water storage tank that uses rainwater for addressing water supply issues caused by climate change and land subsidence in a slum area of North Jakarta, Indonesia.
GPPN is the Global Public Policy Network, a partnership between 8 prestigious universities in public policy, the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) at the London School of Economics and Political Science, the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University, the School of Public Affairs at Sciences Po, the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, the Hertie School, the Fundção Getulio Vargas (FGV) at the Escola de Administração de Empresas de Sao Paulo, and the Graduate School of Public Policy at The University of Tokyo (GraSPP).
Including UTokyo, there was a total of 92 graduate students, 31 teams participated in the competition. After presenting their policy proposals to juries (deans of each university mentioned above), they had a discussion with the deans regarding the feasibility of their proposals in a Q&A session.
For more details kindly refer to the website of GraSPP here.